10X Visium - Adult Human Cerebellum

Human Cerebellum Whole Transcriptome Analysis



10x Genomics (2020)
69.33 MiB
4960 × 14782

Used in


10X Genomics obtained fresh frozen human cerebellum tissue from BioIVT Asterand. The tissue was embedded and cryosectioned as described in Visium Spatial Protocols Tissue Preparation Guide (Demonstrated Protocol CG000240). Tissue sections of 10µm were placed on Visium Gene Expression slides and fixed and stained following Methanol Fixation, H&E Staining & Imaging for Visium Spatial Protocols (CG000160).


dataset is an AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 4960 × 14782 with slots:


Name Description Type Data type Size
feature_id Unique identifier for the feature, usually a ENSEMBL gene id. vector object 14782
feature_name A human-readable name for the feature, usually a gene symbol. vector object 14782
counts Raw counts sparsematrix float32 4960 × 14782
dataset_description Long description of the dataset. atomic str 1
dataset_id A unique identifier for the dataset. This is different from the obs.dataset_id field, which is the identifier for the dataset from which the cell data is derived. atomic str 1
dataset_name A human-readable name for the dataset. atomic str 1
dataset_organism The organism of the sample in the dataset. atomic str 1
dataset_reference Bibtex reference of the paper in which the dataset was published. atomic str 1
dataset_summary Short description of the dataset. atomic str 1
dataset_url Link to the original source of the dataset. atomic str 1


10x Genomics. 2020. “Human Cerebellum: Whole Transcriptome Analysis.” https://www.10xgenomics.com/datasets/human-cerebellum-whole-transcriptome-analysis-1-standard-1-2-0.